Page 216 - Catalogue Something Different 2023
P. 216

                Something different 2023
       3da/from ,36€
                             Natur 10050
Quaderno ecologico.
Materiale: Sughero e PU. Bloc notes da 82 fogli a righe. Ecological notebook.
Material: Cork and PU. Notebook 82 sheets striped paper.
   25/50 E, DTF
2000 5000
3,52 3,36 Stampa 1 colore 1 posizione | 1 color 1 position printing
14x21 cm
Pcs -500 500
€ 3,86 3,70
 € 0,52 0,42 0,38 0,32
216 Costi minimi di stampa, impianto e trasporto non inclusi / Minimum printing charge, cliché and transport not included

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